X server - GUI

X server - GUI

The GUI in Linux is arranged in layers. The bottom of the stack is almost always the same, this is the Display Server.  Xorg, XFree86 and X11 are display servers. This creates the graphical environment. In Raspbian the Xorg server provides a graphical desktop, but it does not look like a real desktop. It is a black screen with a cursor. This makes launching applications difficult, since there are no menus or taskbars either, so additional software is needed.

The first X program run by the system if the system (not the user) is starting X  is the Display Manager. Display Manager or Login Manager are synonims, and it allows you to log on to the system. The default on raspbian is lightdm.

A window manager controls the placement and decoration of windows. That is, the window border and controls are the decoration. Some of these are stand alone (WindowMaker, sawfish, etc), and some depend on an accompanying desktop environment.

A desktop environment such as XFCE, KDE, GNOME, etc. are suites of applications designed to integrate well with each other to provide a consistent experience. In Raspbian the default desktop environment is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment (LXDE)

The Desktop Environment requires a Window Manager, but a WM can be installed without a DE. The default DE on raspbian is lxde (Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment). The other common linux DE's are also available, but most of them consume more resources which is why lxde was choosen as the default on the pi.

If The GUI doesn’t load by default, it can be loaded by the command: startx

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